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The Universe in a leaf Series (2018 - 2021)
Apex Series

Curiosity has always been the driving force of my artistic journey, inspiring me to explore, study, and integrate discoveries into my creative process. Two of my series, The Universe in a Leaf and Apex, originate from an enduring fascination, the origin of all life—cells.

The Universe in a Leaf series began with my work as a floral designer. While arranging flowers, I observed, and often overlooked the beauty of leaves and realized their pivotal role in sustaining life. This sparked a deeper investigation into their inner working systems. Through diagrams, cellular structures, and microscopic videos, I uncovered the intricate dance of organelles working harmoniously to fulfill a single purpose: to sustain life. This deepened my appreciation for the efficiency and unity within cells, a sentiment that extends to human cells as well. The series is my way of celebrating this purpose and honoring the existence of cells, which are both sophisticated and powerful.

The Apex series shifts the focus to the origin of human life, celebrating the moment when male and female cells unite within the female body. I aimed to capture this beautiful integration marks the beginning of a new existence.